
A brighter

future for


Let's continue to move forward, Virginia...

"Our Commonwealth is at a crossroads.  Are we going to choose the side of compassion, of solving problems, or are we going to move backwards and fall prey to our worse impulses?"

Like all of us, Kecia Evans has faced challenges in her life, but she overcame them and is a stronger person and leader for doing so.  Kecia is dedicated to her family and her community, working long hours as a volunteer to create a better life for her sons and daughters, and for her neighbors and fellow Virginians.  We have serious problems to solve and she believes in finding ways to meet the serious issues facing all of us, but she knows we can't just throw money at our problems.  What we need is good old-fashioned teamwork and tenacity.  We can only get the job done if we work hard together and keep at it.  Kecia is ready to roll up her sleeves Virginia.  Let's get to work!


Kecia's Vision
for Virginia and
the Fighting 88th

We can become a great community, but only when we ensure everyone has access to the same opportunities.

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